In addition to playing games, reading, listening to music, singing, watching TV, dancing, etc. several art & craft activities such as painting, sketching, envelope making, paper bag making, candle making, block printing with paper as well as cloth, glass painting and many such creative exercises are undertaken at a group as well as individual level. Time and the required resources are made available to the residents to spark the creative instinct which had seemingly extinguished during their active addiction. Such hobbies can even, and have been, taken to a professional level. Some of the residents after completion of the treatment duration have taken this up as a full time occupation to earn a livelihood. These skills are used as an essential and therapeutic tool to provide a constructive outlet for the resident to express himself in any way-or-from he finds the best-painting, drawing, writing, singing, art & craft-the list is endless.
This needn’t end with the completion of the residential treatment here, but the newly recovering addict is encouraged to use this therapeutic tool as a constructive way to utilize the newly found ”free time” when he feels he has nothing to do. This newly gained hobby or skill can be utilized to fill in the gaps and to even create a new social circle by the recovering addict in his early recovery.